welcome_logoWe are pleased to announce INDRUM 2022, the fourth conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics.

Due to the new COVID-19 conditions, we have been forced to change the INDRUM 2022 conference dates as posted in a NEW Third Announcement. INDRUM 2022 will be held on October 19–22, 2022 in Hannover (Germany). We also want to communicate that the activity on October 19th will be dedicated to young researchers and the INDRUM 2022 Opening ceremony and the conference itself will start on October 20th.

This Conference falls within the activities of the research project INDRUM (acronym for International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics), which has been initiated by an international team of researchers in didactics of mathematics. This research project is intended to contribute to the development of research in didactics of mathematics at all levels of tertiary education, with a particular concern for the development of new researchers in the field and for dialogue with mathematicians. The INDRUM initiative project has several objectives, including:

  • elaborating a scientific programme in order to network researchers in this field from around the world:
  • developing international collaborations by responding to project funding calls at all levels (local, regional, European, international);
  • enhancing the visibility of this research area for the communities of mathematics education and mathematics;
  • contributing to the development of doctoral programmes in the field.

The themes to be addressed at INDRUM 2022 will build on those addressed at the previous INDRUM conferences (INDRUM 2016 in Montpellier (France), 2018 in Kristiansand (Norway) and 2020 On-line from Bizerte (Tunisia)) and will cover teacher and student practices and the teaching and learning of specific mathematical topics at undergraduate and post-graduate level as well as across disciplines. The target audience of this conference is researchers in didactics of mathematics, mathematicians as well as teachers and researchers who are interested in these issues. The organisation of the conference will comprise a plenary lecture by Andreas Eichler (University Kassel, Germany); an expert panel discussion on “Innovation in teaching at university based on research in mathematics education” (Rafael Martínez-Planell, Universidad de Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, chair); six thematic working groups (TWG) (six hours each); short communications in parallel (two sessions of 1h 30min), a poster exhibition and a young career researcher specific activity. Pre-conference proceedings will be distributed to registered participants. The final version of the proceedings will be posted on the open archive HAL (https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/INDRUM).

The second announcement presents the scientific themes that will be foregrounded at the 2022 conference as well as information about how to register and submit a proposal. For more information, we invite you to consult the conference website that will be regularly updated: https://indrum2022.sciencesconf.org

Below are the composition of the international programme committee and the local organising committee, as well as the key dates:

INDRUM 2022 International Programme Committee
María Trigueros (Cd. México, México) Chair

Berta Barquero (Barcelona, Spain) Co-chair

Rolf Biehler (Paderborn, Germany), Marianna Bosch (Barcelona, Spain), Laura Branchetti (Milan, Italy), Viviane Durand-Guerrier (Montpellier, France), Alejandro González-Martín (Montreal, Canada), Thomas Hausberger (Montpellier France), Reinhard Hochmuth (Hannover, Germany), Barbara Jaworski (Loughborough, United Kingdom), Rafael Martínez-Planell (Mayagüez, Puerto Rico), Chris Rasmussen (San Diego, United States)

INDRUM 2022 Local Organising Committee
Reinhard Hochmuth (Hannover, Germany) Chair

Christine Bessenrodt (Hannover), Rolf Biehler (Paderborn), Andreas Eichler (Kassel), Sarah Khellaf (Hannover), Michael Liebendörfer (Paderborn), Jana Peters (Hannover), Johanna Ruge (Hannover), Hanh Vothi (Hannover), Johannes Wildt (Bielefeld)


September 10, 2021: First announcement 

October 22, 2021: Second announcement, call for papers

March 11, 2022: Registration open

April 1, 2022  April 8, 2022:  Deadline for submission of papers and poster proposals

May 13, 2022 May 20, 2022: Deadline for reviewers to submit their reviews

June 10, 2022: Decisions about paper or poster acceptance

June 30, 2022 July 8, 2022: Deadline for registration and payment

August 10, 2022: Deadline for revisions of papers and posters

September 12, 2022: Final decisions about paper or poster acceptance

September 16, 2022: Third announcement with conference program and pre-acts available on the conference website

December 16, 2022: Deadline for submission of the final version of papers and poster for the proceedings 

Beginning 2023: Final proceedings available at the conference website (to be transferred to the hal afterwards)

The number of participants is restricted to approximately 120, plus a number of local attendees. The main language of the conference is English. There is the possibility to submit and present a paper in German provided the presenter considers how to address the conference audience in its linguistic diversity through slides or a handout in English.

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