Registration fees and payment

Registration fees

Senior researchers: 250 EUR
Senior researcher from non-affluent countries and young researchers: 150 EUR
Young researchers from non-affluent countries and students: 100 EUR

The registration fees include

  •     Admission to scientific sessions and poster area
  •     Coffee breaks
  •     Small lunch snacks and finger food

We also plan a Conference Dinner. The additional fee for this is 50 EUR.
The dinner is planned as a buffet that also includes vegetarian dishes. If you need a vegan option or have other requirements for the food, please contact Jana Peters. We can then discuss options with the restaurant in advance.


Registration for the INDRUM conference is a two-step process:

  1. Register on the website ("Registration" on the left, in "My Space"). You must log in to access the registration page. Registration is open March 11 - June 30.
    Please also indicate your organisation's VAT identification number if possible.

  2. Make the payment by bank transfer according to the details in the email (subject "Registration request") you receive.


After we verified your payment you will receive a second email with the subject "Registration confirmation".


Account Information

Please make your payment (Conference fee + Dinner) to the following bank account:


Account Holder: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Bank Name:      Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
IBAN:               DE48  2505  0000  0101  4269  89
SWIFT:             NOLADE2H

Reference for Payment:14107100
The address of the account holder is
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover

The  address of the bank is:
Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale
Friedrichswall 10
30159 Hannover
Please make sure that the transfer details include your name and the reference number 14107100. Otherwise we may not be able to identify your payment.

Please note that validating your payment can take some time.


Notes on IBAN and SWIFT: The German IBAN consists of 22 digits. This may be different in other countries. Please clarify any problems with your bank. The SWIFT may also be too short. In this case you can add XXX at the end of the SWIFT: NOLADE2HXXX.

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